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History for SecurityTesting

Default Fixture

    - **''** is the root application object of the test ZODB (contains Control_Panel, ...)
      Note that a ZODB connections has already been opened and a transaction begun at this point.

    - **''** is the request object. Note that the REQUEST is rather minimal because
      !ZPublisher is not involved when running tests, and as such many REQUEST variables are never 
      set. Feel free to add to the REQUEST whatever your tests require.

    - **'self.folder'** is the work area. This folder will be created anew for each test and thrown 
      away once the test has finished. The name of the folder is 'test_folder_1_'. You should 
      use the 'ZopeTestCase.folder_name' constant when you need the folder's name. 'self.folder' is a 
      reference to the object at '[folder_name]'.

      A default role definition ('ZopeTestCase.user_role') is added to the folder, and a list of 
      permissions ('ZopeTestCase.standard_permissions') is assigned to the role. 

    - **'self.folder.acl_users'** is the user folder providing a security context to the work area.

      A default user account is added to the user folder with name 'test_user_1_' and password 'secret'. 
      You should use the 'ZopeTestCase.user_name' constant when you need the user's name. 
      The default user has a single role, 'ZopeTestCase.user_role'.

    At the end of the setup process the default user is logged in, and the 'afterSetUp' hook is called.

Security API

    - **'self.setRoles(roles, name=user_name)'** allows to change the roles assigned to a user.
      If the 'name' argument is omitted, changes the roles of the default user. The roles argument
      must be of type list.

    - **'self.setPermissions(permissions, role=user_role)'** allows to change the permissions
      assigned to a role. If the 'role' argument is omitted, changes the permissions of the
      default role. The permissions argument must be of type list.

    - **'self.login(name=user_name)'** allows to log in as a specified user.
      If the 'name' argument is omitted, logs in as the default user.

    - **'self.logout()'** allows to log out and become 'Anonymous User'.

Testing Security

    - **'ob.restrictedTraverse("attr")'** is a simple way to check whether the currently logged in user is
      allowed to access attribute 'attr' of object 'ob'.

    - **'getSecurityManager().validate(None, ob, "attr", ob.attr)'** uses the security manager to do the same.
      The convenience method 'getSecurityManager().validateValue(ob.attr)' will no longer work 
      in Zope 2.8.

    Also see the '' example test.

    Note that you have the entire Zope security API at your disposal to further refine your fixture.
    E.g. to add another user call <code>self.folder.acl_users.userFolderAddUser("user2", "secret", ["role2"], [])</code>.
