History for WeekEnding22June2000
This week in the PTK Community
* Shane Hathaway "checked in",
the first set of changes toward the RefactoringPTK proposal we
floated "last week",
* Unfortunately, the DemoPortal.zexp export file wasn't updated, so
it can't be imported at the moment. This will be fixed Real Soon
Now (TM). This problem is noted in the tracker:
- http://www.zope.org/Products/PTK/Tracker/98
- http://www.zope.org/Products/PTK/Tracker/99
* Alexander Schoenfield "released",
a first look at a wxPython-based class browser for Python/Zope.
* Kevin Dangoor "released",
version 0.6.0 of his "Membership package",
which eases the installation of a LoginManager-based user folder.
He is looking for feedback on the exact layout of the Member object,
working to gel its API, and therefor ease forward compatibility
* Phillip Eby "released",
version 0.4.0 alpha1 of ZPatterns, which includes the long-awaited
DataSkins feature, along with GenericTriggers and other fun stuff.
Ty Sarna will release a new version of LoginManager compatible
with ZPatterns 0.4.0 shortly.
Looking Ahead
* **Fix the DemoPortal import problem ASAP.**
* Re-integrate Kevin Dangoor's Membership product.
* Discuss integrating ZPatterns more closely into PortalContent.
PTK Tracker Vitals, 2000/06/22
Here is is the current state of the tracker::
Type / Status New Closed Current
Bug Reports 2 0 21
Requests 0 0 15