History for CommunicationPlan
In a project communication is crucial. Zope Studio communication makes use of
the following channels:
Zope-Mozilla mailinglist
The "Zope-Mozilla
mailinglist":http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-mozilla serves as the
main communication channel for discussions, status reports and announcements.
Also, any CVS checkin generates a message that is sent to the list. All
messages to this list are
This Wiki is the central place for all project documentation, and discussion
about this documentation (in both this Wiki and on any of the other channels)
should be edited in when a concensus is reached.
The "Zope Studio
Tracker":http://www.zope.org:18280/Products/ZopeStudio/Tracker is the
project's wish and problem list. All bugs and feature requests should be
tracked there.
On irc.zope.net exists the #!ZopeStudio IRC channel. It is used for quick
coordination issues, and direct social contact.