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Zope Studio consists of two parts, one server side Zope Product, and one Mozilla package, which contains the actual Zope Studio software.

Installation differs with the method by which you obtained Zope Studio.


When downloading the weekly snapshot, make sure you get both Zope Studio itself, as well as the server component.

Install the server component, ZopeStudioProduct, by unpacking it in your Zope server root directory. It will create a new Product directory, ZopeStudio. Restart your Zope server.

You can install Zope Studio itself by unpacking the downloaded archive, and running the command:

    python |dest|

where |dest| is the directory with the Mozilla binaries. In a nightly download or a Mozilla Milestone, this will be called package/, and in a Mozilla tree built from source this will be a dist/bin/ directory.

After installation you have to tell Mozilla to use the right skin for Zope Studio. Start Mozilla, choose Edit -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Themes, highlight Zope Studio and click Switch Theme. This will leave the currently selected theme intact, but allows Mozilla to find the correct files for Zope Studio.

CVS Checkout

If you ran a CVS checkout of Zope Studio, you can install Zope Studio by running the script in the ZopeStudio subdirectory, see the instructions for a snapshot installation. Don't forget to activate the Zope Studio skin!

On Unix, you can also use this script to make symlinks into the Mozilla directory structure, or you can use it to copy back any changes made to the installed files. This way you can keep your CVS checkout directory for Zope Studio development. See the output of python -h for details.

The code for the server component is in the ZopeStudioProduct subdirectory. Copy it's contents to a newly created ZopeStudio directory in the lib/python/Products directory of your Zope server installation, or (on Unix) create a symlink from lib/python/Products to ZopeStudioProduct. You will need to restart Zope.

Starting Zope Studio

You can use the -zopestudio command line switch to start Zope Studio, but only after Mozilla has re-registered the new components. You may need to delete the component.reg file found in the Mozilla binary directory, and run Mozilla without any command line arguments for this to work.

ShaneH 8/17
Another way to start ZopeStudio (after running the script) is by entering ./mozilla -chrome chrome://zopestudio/content/. In fact, this was the only way I could get it to work with the latest Mozilla builds.