Products 1 -20 of 145
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| mxODBC Zope DA
2010/03/25 08:57:51.235 GMT-4 |
lemburg |
| is pleased to announce the availability of our new
high performance and professional quality ODBC Zope Database Adapter (Zope DA): the **mxODBC Zope DA**.
The mxODBC ...
ZDataQueryKit - Query Databases Without Programming
2007/05/07 12:28:03.555 GMT-4 |
haqa |
Query databases without programming!
See the information for full details on
how to use this product.
See the changes link for details of what has
changed recently.
Rich Text Document
2007/04/22 00:32:46.669 GMT-4 |
ZopeOrgSite |
Based on the MSWord Document this product allows you to use RTF documents in the same way.
The RTF document is automatically converted to HTML for easy web viewing while the original document is ...
2007/04/22 00:32:40.766 GMT-4 |
ZopeOrgSite |
This product allows the management pages to reside in the ZODB.
This allows customisation of the Zope management interface without having to hack Zope files.
This product will work with Zope 2.4 and ...
Generic Document
2007/04/22 00:31:50.015 GMT-4 |
ZopeOrgSite |
This product is a generic base class for documents that arn't natively HTML but have access to convertors.
The latest version of RTFDocument uses this and so does the LaTeXDocument.
Zope2 Frontend for Trac
2006/05/11 11:39:28.265 GMT-4 |
TheJester |
direct file upload via zeo client
2006/04/20 10:14:05.756 GMT-4 |
tino |
This is a first-shot implementation of a fileuploader which creates a fileobject via ZODB access (thru zopectl run).
Primary usefull in environments with ZEO storage so the main site can be up ...
Zope External Editor
2005/11/29 10:09:31.840 US/Eastern |
ZopeOrgSite |
**NOTE** New releases of External Editor can be found at "": , the below is for historical purposes only.
Do you ...
2005/10/12 15:00:06.494 GMT-4 |
hewei |
Bridging the gap between Zope and PHP world!
PHParser/PHPGateway aims to combine Zope and PHP together. It provides you a
possibility to run PHP scripts under Zope and Plone.
PHParser is ...
CMFFSContent - Put CMF content on the file system
2005/09/10 17:51:42.780 GMT-4 |
jens |
CMFFSContent allows you to store CMF content on the file system. It represents a contentish equivalent to the Skins mechanism.
Please see the Homepage for all releases
2005/05/15 09:46:59.027 GMT-4 |
chrisw |
A scriptable, subclassable, fully documented and tested user folder implementation.
O2DB - storing objects to relational DB
2005/03/28 01:55:06.821 US/Eastern |
earthling |
O2DB is an interface for storing python objects to a relational DB (mySQL at the moment)
for further info goto the webpage below
you can also search for 'O2DB'
_this_ zope ...
2005/02/21 02:27:29.910 US/Eastern |
aheimsbakk |
This product maps a folder containing images on the local file system into Zopes structure. This minimizes the data stored in the Zope database when serving a large quantity of images.
**Key ...
ESMTP MailHost
2005/02/18 21:45:08.839 US/Eastern |
ZopeOrgSite |
This is a replacement for MailHost which gives you ESMTP access (username/password). Go to your Products directory and untar (tar -xzf).
NOTE -- I recommend using an ESMTP mail host (e.g. Courier ...
ZOpenArchives : OAI implementation for Zope
2004/10/08 06:49:25.267 GMT-4 |
sgiraud |
Transforms Zope to an OAI Data Provider and Aggregator
This product is an OAI implementation for the Zope server, it provides the following components :
ZOAI Server : Which will contain ...
2004/08/12 07:34:13.407 GMT-4 |
timmorgan |
2004/06/01 14:49:43.007 GMT-4 |
matt |
Pre Release 1
Oracle Database Bindings for Python
DCOracle2 is a Python DB API 2.0 adapter for Oracle 8. Based on the Oracle 8 OCI, DCOracle2 overcomes limitations of DCOracle which prevent new OCI 8 ...
LDAP Directory Manager
2004/05/21 00:49:41.694 GMT-4 |
ZopeOrgSite |
The ST LDAP Manager is a tool for maintaining information about people, organizational units, and groups in an LDAP directory. It is not intended as the general purpose tool that a directory ...
kinterbasdbDA: Database Adapter for Interbase/Firebird
2004/05/14 07:34:32.838 GMT-4 |
ZopeOrgSite |
The kinterbasdbDA is an Interbase/Firebird database adapter for Zope based on the kinterbasdb.
ZmxODBC for Windows
2004/05/01 01:13:46.135 GMT-4 |
ZopeOrgSite |
ZmxODBC is a level 3 ODBC DA based using mxODBC. It should only be used with multi-threaded odbc drivers. Use at your own risk.
**** IMPORTANT ****
This product has been removed from this ...
Category Results Products 1 -20 of 145
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