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import ModelDeleted

class MissingViewException(Exception): pass

class MissingControllerException(Exception): pass

class Model: """The database."""

def __init__(self): """Construct the instance and initialize the defaults."""

self.__dict = {} self.__dict['views'] = {} self.__dict['controllers'] = {} self.__modelDeleted = ModelDeleted.ModelDeleted()


def __del__(self): """Inform all the views and controllers that the model is being deleted. Finally, destroy the instance."""

## print "Model.__del__" self.finished() return

def finished(self): """Manually break loops."""

## print "Model.finished" self.notifyViews(self.__modelDeleted) self.notifyControllers(self.__modelDeleted)

self.__dict = {} self.__dict['views'] = {} self.__dict['controllers'] = {}


def __remove(self, aType, which): del self.__dict[aType][which] return

def __addEvent(self, aType, which, anEvent): if not self.__dict[aType].has_key(which): self.__dict[aType][which] = []

self.__dict[aType][which].append([anEvent, anEvent.getReason()]) return

def __removeEvent(self, aType, which, anEvent): self.__dict[aType][which].remove([anEvent, anEvent.getReason()]) return

def __notify(self, aType, aReason): for anItem in self.__dict[aType].keys(): for event, reason in self.__dict[aType][anItem]: if reason == aReason: event.execute(aReason) return

def __eventList(self, aType, anItem): return self.__dict[aType][anItem]

def removeView(self, aView): """Removes all the events for a single view"""

try: self.__remove(views, aView) except KeyError: raise MissingViewException, aView


def getViewEventList(self, aView): """Returns a list of all views."""

result = [] try: result = self.__eventList(views, aView) except KeyError: raise MissingViewException, aView

return result

def addViewEvent(self, aView, anEvent): """Adds an event for a single view"""

self.__addEvent(views, aView, anEvent) return

def removeViewEvent(self, aView, anEvent): """Removes an event for a single view"""

try: self.__removeEvent(views, aView, anEvent) except ValueError: raise MissingViewException, aView


def notifyViews(self, aReason): """Only notify the views that are interested"""

self.__notify(views, aReason)


def getControllerEventList(self, aController): """Returns a list of controllers."""

result = [] try: result = self.__eventList(controllers, aController) except KeyError: raise MissingControlelrException, aController

return result

def removeController(self, aController): """Removes all the events for a single controller"""

try: self.__remove(controllers, aController) except KeyError: raise MissingControllerException, aController


def addControllerEvent(self, aController, anEvent): """Adds an event for a single controller"""

self.__addEvent(controllers, aController, anEvent) return

def removeControllerEvent(self, aController, anEvent): """Removes an event for a single controller"""

try: self.__removeEvent(controllers, aController, anEvent) except ValueError: raise MissingControllerException, view


def notifyControllers(self, aReason): """Only notify the controllers that are interested"""

self.__notify(controllers, aReason) return