The actual requirement scenarios.
- Create a new Zope Object
Create new Zope Objects
SiteDeveloper? has indicated a Zope Server, and a Folderish location within that server.
SiteDeveloper? wants to create a Zope Object
Main Success Scenario
- SiteDeveloper? chooses a Zope object from a presented list
- SiteDeveloper? gives a set of initial values for the object
- ZopeStudio asks the Zope server to create the object with the initial values given
- SiteDeveloper? starts editing the newly created object.
- Edit a Zope Object
Edit Zope Objects
SiteDeveloper? has indicated a Zope Server
SiteDeveloper? wants to edit an object, or has just created a new object (which starts him at the second step)
Main Success Scenario
- SiteDeveloper? indicates object to be edited.
- ZopeStudio retrieves description of the object from the Zope server.
- SiteDeveloper? makes changes to local description of object.
- SiteDeveloper? indicates it wants to save the changes.
- ZopeStudio instructs the Zope server to store the object description.
- 1a SiteDeveloper? indicates it wants to edit object in external editor.
- 2a ZopeStudio opens external editor with local description object.
- 4 SiteDeveloper? indicates that it wants to cancel the changes.
- 5 ZopeStudio retrieves a new object description from the Zope Server.
- View a Zope Object
Test Zope Objects or Debug Zope Objects
SiteDeveloper? has indicated a Zope Server
SiteDeveloper? wants to view an object, to see what it would look like
Main Success Scenario
- SiteDeveloper? indicates object to be viewed
- ZopeStudio instructs the Zope server to render the object
- ZopeStudio shows rendering
- 1a SiteDeveloper? gives extra request information, like form data.
- Add a property
Manage properties on Zope Objects
SiteDeveloper? has indicated a Zope Server and a Zope object, ZopeStudio has retrieved the object description.
Zope developer wishes to add a property to a Zope object
SiteDeveloper? has indicated a Zope Server and a Zope object, ZopeStudio has retrieved the object description.
Zope developer wishes to add a property to a Zope object
Main Success Scenario
- SiteDeveloper? selects object property type to add.
- ZopeStudio adds a property of the selected type to the local description of object with default value.
- SiteDeveloper? changes default value of new property.
- SiteDeveloper? indicates it wants to save the changes.
- ZopeStudio instructs the Zope server to store the objetc description.
- 4 SiteDeveloper? indicates that it wants to cancel the changes.
- 5 ZopeStudio retrieves a new object description from the Zope Server.
- Remove one or more properties
Manage properties on Zope Objects
SiteDeveloper? has indicated a Zope Server and a Zope object, ZopeStudio has retrieved the object description.
Zope developer wishes to remove one or more properties from a Zope object
Main Success Scenario
- SiteDeveloper? selects object properties to remove.
- ZopeStudio removes the properties from the local description of object.
- SiteDeveloper? indicates it wants to save the changes.
- ZopeStudio instructs the Zope server to store the object description.
- 4 SiteDeveloper? indicates that it wants to cancel the changes.
- 5 ZopeStudio retrieves a new object description from the Zope Server.
- Change a property
Goal Manage properties on Zope Objects
Precondition SiteDeveloper? has indicated a Zope Server and a Zope object, ZopeStudio has retrieved the object description.
Trigger Zope developer wishes to change a property on a Zope object
Main Success Scenario - SiteDeveloper? selects object property to change.
- SiteDeveloper? indicates value for property.
- ZopeStudio changes the value of the property in the local description of object.
- SiteDeveloper? indicates it wants to save the changes.
- ZopeStudio instructs the Zope server to store the objetc description.
Extensions - 1a SiteDeveloper? idicates a new property type.
- 1b ZopeStudio changes the type of the property, converting the current value to the new type.
- 4 SiteDeveloper? indicates that it wants to cancel the changes.
- 5 ZopeStudio retrieves a new object description from the Zope Server.
- Copy one or more properties
- Move one or more properties
- Change permissions on a Zope object
- Add one or more Proxy Roles to a Zope object
- Remove one or more Proxy Roles to a Zope objetc
- Move one or more Zope Objects
Goal Manage Zope Objects
Precondition SiteDeveloper? has indicated a Zope Server
Trigger Zope developer wants to move Zope Objects
Main Success Scenario - SiteDeveloper? selects Zope Objetcs
- SiteDeveloper? indicates the destination of the objects
- ZopeStudio instructs the Zope Server to move the objects
- Rename a Zope Object
Goal Manage Zope Objects
Precondition SiteDeveloper? has indicated a Zope Server
Trigger Zope developer wants to rename a Zope Object
Main Success Scenario - SiteDeveloper? selects a Zope Object
- SiteDeveloper? indicates it wants to rename the object
- SiteDeveloper? gives a new name for the object
- ZopeStudio instructs the Zope Server to rename the object
- Delete one or more Zope Objects
- Undo changes to Zope objects
- Follow changes to one or more Zope Objects
Goal Collaborate with team members
- Create a Version
Goal Collaborate with team members
- Join a Version
Goal Collaborate with team members
- Commit a Version
Goal Collaborate with team members
- Discard a Version
Goal Collaborate with team members
- Leave a Version
Goal Collaborate with team members
- Leave a Version
- Discard a Version
- Commit a Version
- Join a Version
- Create a Version
- Add Role
- Remove Role
- Move Role
- Add User
- Change User poprerties
- Remove User
- Move User
- Inspect Zope Database status
- Pack Zope Database
- Flush Zope object cache
- Inspect Zope database connections
- Inspect reference count information