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The actual requirement scenarios.


  1. Create a new Zope Object


    Create new Zope Objects


    SiteDeveloper? has indicated a Zope Server, and a Folderish location within that server.


    SiteDeveloper? wants to create a Zope Object

    Main Success Scenario

    1. SiteDeveloper? chooses a Zope object from a presented list
    2. SiteDeveloper? gives a set of initial values for the object
    3. ZopeStudio asks the Zope server to create the object with the initial values given
    4. SiteDeveloper? starts editing the newly created object.
  2. Edit a Zope Object


    Edit Zope Objects


    SiteDeveloper? has indicated a Zope Server


    SiteDeveloper? wants to edit an object, or has just created a new object (which starts him at the second step)

    Main Success Scenario

    1. SiteDeveloper? indicates object to be edited.
    2. ZopeStudio retrieves description of the object from the Zope server.
    3. SiteDeveloper? makes changes to local description of object.
    4. SiteDeveloper? indicates it wants to save the changes.
    5. ZopeStudio instructs the Zope server to store the object description.


  • 1a SiteDeveloper? indicates it wants to edit object in external editor.
    • 2a ZopeStudio opens external editor with local description object.
  • 4 SiteDeveloper? indicates that it wants to cancel the changes.
    • 5 ZopeStudio retrieves a new object description from the Zope Server.
    1. View a Zope Object


      Test Zope Objects or Debug Zope Objects


      SiteDeveloper? has indicated a Zope Server


      SiteDeveloper? wants to view an object, to see what it would look like

      Main Success Scenario

      1. SiteDeveloper? indicates object to be viewed
      2. ZopeStudio instructs the Zope server to render the object
      3. ZopeStudio shows rendering


      • 1a SiteDeveloper? gives extra request information, like form data.
      1. Add a property

        Manage properties on Zope Objects


        SiteDeveloper? has indicated a Zope Server and a Zope object, ZopeStudio has retrieved the object description.


        Zope developer wishes to add a property to a Zope object


        SiteDeveloper? has indicated a Zope Server and a Zope object, ZopeStudio has retrieved the object description.


        Zope developer wishes to add a property to a Zope object

        Main Success Scenario
        1. SiteDeveloper? selects object property type to add.
        2. ZopeStudio adds a property of the selected type to the local description of object with default value.
        3. SiteDeveloper? changes default value of new property.
        4. SiteDeveloper? indicates it wants to save the changes.
        5. ZopeStudio instructs the Zope server to store the objetc description.
        • 4 SiteDeveloper? indicates that it wants to cancel the changes.
          • 5 ZopeStudio retrieves a new object description from the Zope Server.
          1. Remove one or more properties

            Manage properties on Zope Objects


            SiteDeveloper? has indicated a Zope Server and a Zope object, ZopeStudio has retrieved the object description.


            Zope developer wishes to remove one or more properties from a Zope object

            Main Success Scenario
            1. SiteDeveloper? selects object properties to remove.
            2. ZopeStudio removes the properties from the local description of object.
            3. SiteDeveloper? indicates it wants to save the changes.
            4. ZopeStudio instructs the Zope server to store the object description.
            • 4 SiteDeveloper? indicates that it wants to cancel the changes.
              • 5 ZopeStudio retrieves a new object description from the Zope Server.
              1. Change a property Goal

                Manage properties on Zope Objects


                SiteDeveloper? has indicated a Zope Server and a Zope object, ZopeStudio has retrieved the object description.


                Zope developer wishes to change a property on a Zope object

                Main Success Scenario
                1. SiteDeveloper? selects object property to change.
                2. SiteDeveloper? indicates value for property.
                3. ZopeStudio changes the value of the property in the local description of object.
                4. SiteDeveloper? indicates it wants to save the changes.
                5. ZopeStudio instructs the Zope server to store the objetc description.
                • 1a SiteDeveloper? idicates a new property type.
                  • 1b ZopeStudio changes the type of the property, converting the current value to the new type.
                • 4 SiteDeveloper? indicates that it wants to cancel the changes.
                  • 5 ZopeStudio retrieves a new object description from the Zope Server.
                  1. Copy one or more properties
                  2. Move one or more properties
                  3. Change permissions on a Zope object
                  4. Add one or more Proxy Roles to a Zope object
                  5. Remove one or more Proxy Roles to a Zope objetc
                  6. Move one or more Zope Objects Goal

                    Manage Zope Objects


                    SiteDeveloper? has indicated a Zope Server


                    Zope developer wants to move Zope Objects

                    Main Success Scenario
                    1. SiteDeveloper? selects Zope Objetcs
                    2. SiteDeveloper? indicates the destination of the objects
                    3. ZopeStudio instructs the Zope Server to move the objects
                    4. Rename a Zope Object Goal

                      Manage Zope Objects


                      SiteDeveloper? has indicated a Zope Server


                      Zope developer wants to rename a Zope Object

                      Main Success Scenario
                      1. SiteDeveloper? selects a Zope Object
                      2. SiteDeveloper? indicates it wants to rename the object
                      3. SiteDeveloper? gives a new name for the object
                      4. ZopeStudio instructs the Zope Server to rename the object
                      5. Delete one or more Zope Objects
                      6. Undo changes to Zope objects
                      7. Follow changes to one or more Zope Objects Goal

                        Collaborate with team members

                        1. Create a Version Goal

                          Collaborate with team members

                          1. Join a Version Goal

                            Collaborate with team members

                            1. Commit a Version Goal

                              Collaborate with team members

                              1. Discard a Version Goal

                                Collaborate with team members

                                1. Leave a Version Goal

                                  Collaborate with team members


  1. Add Role
  2. Remove Role
  3. Move Role
  4. Add User
  5. Change User poprerties
  6. Remove User
  7. Move User
  8. Inspect Zope Database status
  9. Pack Zope Database
  10. Flush Zope object cache
  11. Inspect Zope database connections
  12. Inspect reference count information