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History for ZopeMVC

Here I'll be keeping my thoughts and notes on ZoPe and ModelViewController.

24/02/2000 I'll now start to work on a ZopeMVCProposal.


  - We want to avoid having a View for every Model (basic framework object) 
    in Zope: Some form of AbstractView?

  - It should be possible for Products to add a View to an existing Model.
  I think the this is related to the interfaces proposal that Michel will 
  be making later this week.  As seen in the PTK, we at Digital Creations 
  are close to coming up with a way to specifiy interfaces.  We will then 
  start documenting the interfaces.  More thoughts over at 
  MVCAndInterfaces. --Paul

  - "Squeak": (a OSS SmallTalk implemenantation),
    talks about Pluggable Views, and how it cleaned up their class hierarchy

       """A pluggable view has a set of selectors that parameterize its 
       interface in such a way that instances of the same view class can be
       used on many different models. This simplifies and factors the 
       system -- we were able to reclaim about 50 classes (!) from the 
       old MVC system in the course of this rewrite."""
    From the README ( 
    Investigate this.

    Just noticed, the Object Arts article on Model-View-Presenter also talks about pluggable

  - 'nother URL that claims more flexibility. May be too complex, I scanned
    it over quickly:

  - Views could be subobjects of the Model. Different protocols and applications then can find the
    view they need. 

    - So the management view could be modelURL/manage. Further management view URLs
      would be rooted at that URL: modelURL/manage/editProperties.
    - ZopeStudio RDF could be modelURL/!MozRDF

      *Bobo used to (and may still, but I doubt it.  I don't think Jim
      liked this too much) use the method 'asHTML()' on an object
      as a default HTML view if it had it.  the concepts of 'asRDF'
      or 'asMozRDF' could be easily applied.  However, if Zope had
      categories similar to objective-c, this would be even easier
      (categories in objective-c are a fairly clean way of extending base
      classes outside of the class definition itself.  A !RenderXUL
      category could define new asXUL() methods on core base
      classes in Zope without Zope needing to be extended itself.
      Python sortof allows this, but not as cleanly.)  This may be
      similar to pluggable views.*

    Above scheme is not backwards compatible with the current management interface. Provisions for
    this? Maybe detect manage_* method calls and look for them on the manage View object?

  Yes - one of the core questions for us to resolve is: how does MV(C)
  impact our core concept of "direct object publishing"? Can the two 
  coexist? There are a lot of interesting arguments in the future over 
  this I suspect :^)  --Brian

  - Currently, stock Zope objects like Folder and Image are based on base classes like
    ObjectManager, SimpleItem and PropertySheet. These base classes provide their own management
    screens. The base classes have to obe split into base Models and Views. The Folder Model
    can then inherit from the ObjectManager, SimpleItem and PropertySheet Models, and the Folder
    management View can inherit from the ObjectManager, SimpleItem and PropertySheet Views. This
    leads partway to the AbstractView.

  - Of course, not all Views are URL based. XML-RPC, !WebDAV and FTP could be handled by 
    ZPublisher. This should make it easier to add specific support for these protocols to new
    products. Also new protocols (think SOAP) should be easier to add.

  I disagree a bit with this. I'm becoming more and more convinced 
  that protocols are probably views or at least some combination of 
  a view and an "interface". I haven't had much time to ponder the 
  relationship between the concept of view and interface, but I get 
  the feeling that we will need to work this out before its all over. 

  Mostly, I think that the ORB (ZPublisher) should be as totally 
  independent of protocol (view) specific knowledge as possible. 
  This is not the case now, and some of the HTTP-centric behavior 
  of the current ORB has made some funny workarounds necessary for 
  at least the DAV and ftp protocols. --Brian

  *Hmmmmm*. So the HTTP view should only use the ORB to retrieve the object, and then apply it's
  HTTP View to it. FTP and WebDAV do the same. Management and RDF interfaces are Models that 
  themselves are a View into the underlying Model. Kewl. FTPing of RDF data =) The RDF Model/View
  could then update the underlying Model when you upload new RDF. 

  from jeffrey :: *yessssssssss!!!!!!  being too tied to HTML == bad,
  likewise with HTTP*

  by the way: you can do good now just by employing
  good programming practices.  ie, on an event item class, we had
  two methods on the base class, 'editEventItem' and 
  'manage_editEventItem'.  editEventItem had the full signature
  but is oblivious to REQUEST.  And it called special setter methods
  for all the mass properties that it updated.  'manage_editEventItem'
  had only REQUEST in its signature, used values out of REQUEST
  to pass to 'editEventItem', and return an HTML result.  This works
  out *fairly* well.  Not a major abstraction, but one that works now
  and can easily support new views in the future.  And it works well
  with XML-RPC too since 'editEventItem' doesn't return HTML.

  How far will this go? Zope 3? --MartijnPieters

  - As the major protocols supported by Zope are all connectionless, no updates from Model to
    View are needed (or possible). Views update themselves by requiring the Model.

  - Blue sky: If models update their associated views ( if they so desire), we could also support
    statefull protocols. You could hook a native GUI to Zope that gets automatically updated when
    others (using any kind of access to Zope) make changes. Updates can be realised if we add a
    simple Observers architecture to Models. Observers register themselves with the Model, and
    every time the Model changes the registered Observers get notified of the change (which might
    be qualified).

  - Adding Observers would enable Views to employ caching of Model data. 
    Also, Observers are widely usable in Zope outside of MVC.

  Raking up things a little more: apart from the protocol question, there is also the point of
  monolithic views of documents: we have roles in Zope and we have permissions. The main point with 
  editing Zope was always the dichotomy between rendered and not rendered. IMHO rendered or non-
  rendered views (or partially rendered views of objects) should be context dependent: some roles 
  may edit more/other dtml tags then others. Plain content (HTML/XML/whatever in a current dtml 
  document) is always editable, dtml content would depend on the permissions/roles of a user. Not 
  sure whether this belongs here - just kicking it in once more.

  -- Rik

  This could be handled by a View that presents the Model with added Metadata on security. 

  - On AbstractViews: The idea is to enable a View to be able to modify an Model even if it 
    doesn't know anything about that Model. There should be an interface that'll let the View
    query the Model for it's default interfaces. I am thinking along the lines of a structure, for

      {'id': {'readonly': 1, 'getter': 'id', 'type': 'string'},
      'title': {'readonly': 0, 'getter': 'title', 'setter': 'setTitle', 'type': 'string'}}

    or some such structure. It will allow a View to build a minimal interface for objects
    unknown to it.

    *Hmmmmmmm* This might interfere with Security, or at least with the filtering of Views. An
    AbstractView will have to find out what properties are visible/changeable by the current 

   *A HMMMMmmmmMmMmMMM from Jeffrey (Shell)*   This is 
  actually kindof how !PropertyManager works.

  - On Model-View and Model-View-Controller (or -Presenter, or any further elaboration of the
    paradigm): I see no need for anything but Models and Views in Zope. Any change to the Model
    results (up until now anyway) in the View being regenerated from scratch. Controllers can
    take care of that much better if they have been interated into the Views.

    I might be utterly wrong here on the subject of for example the protocol level. A REQUEST could
    be a Controller related thingy, and a RESPONSE is (part of/generated by) the View.

This document changes rapidly. Sorry if I overwrite your additions! --MartijnPieters