Documentation Section Page
- Give net.fame to contributors
- Highlight new material
- Feature important material
- Encourage contributions (authoring and feedback)
- Link material at other locations
- Help sort the wheat from the chaff
- Mention other non-doc resources in the Community section (such as mailing lists, IRC, etc.)
- Emphasize Python and the Python doc resources
- Zope Books, API references, recipes, articles, how to's, published books, basic introductions
- Reference Python materials?
- Use Backtalk to generate an FAQ as part of the "manual"?
- Multiple formats and languages
- Read and make comments
- Heavy acknowledgement to authors, editors, and contributors
- Some indication of activity (historical over time)
- Deep table of contents to allow quick navigation
- Prominent display of last updated at each level (book, chapter, section, etc.)
- Instead of arrows to navigate to the next item, display the title of the next item
- Mimic PHP's organization and commenting ability. Backtalk has some of this.
- Place a higher emphasis on recipes.