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History for What Is Zope3

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<p>Zope 3 is a free/open source web application framework written in the Python
programming language.  Zope 3 provides a component architecture, transactional
object database, tightly integrated security model and many other features.</p>
<p>Zope 3 is coming from the Zope community which is started around 1998.
Initially Zope's core technologies were designed by Zope Corporation.  The
development of Zope 3 started in late 2001.  In November 2004, Zope 3 was
released.  Zope 3 is a complete rewrite that only preserves the original ZODB
object database.  The design of Zope 3 is driven by the needs of large
companies.  It is directly intended for enterprise web application development
using the newest development paradigms.  Extreme programming development
methodology has a real influence in Zope 3 development process.  Automated
testing is a major strength of Zope 3.  <a class="reference" href="">Sprints</a> were introduced as processes
to help accelerate Zope 3 development.  In 2006 <a class="reference" href="">Zope foundation</a> was formed
to help organize and formalize the relationships with the Zope community.</p>
<p>Developing for Zope 3 means writing components in Python.  The steps for
creating a simple package are:</p>
<ol class="arabic simple">
<li>Determine where in your file system you are going to work.</li>
<li>Define the interface(s) of the components in your package.</li>
<li>Implement unit tests against those interface(s).</li>
<li>Implement the component internals.</li>
<li>Create configuration files to integrate your package into Zope.</li>
<li>Implement functional tests for web-aspects of your components.</li>
<li>Create online usage documentation.</li>
<li>Prepare your package for distribution.</li>
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<h1><a id="begin" name="begin">Begin</a></h1>
<p>The only dependency for Zope 3 installation is Python 2.4.  Zope 3 can be
installed in all major platforms from source, and binary packages are also
available for Windows.  Major GNU/Linux distributions include Zope 3.</p>
<p>Download the latest Zope 3 version from <a class="reference" href="">products page</a>.  The latest version
is 3.3 which released is on 24 September 2006.</p>
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<h1><a id="learn" name="learn">Learn</a></h1>
<p>A number of introductory tutorials are available for Zope 3.  You can start
with Benji York's <a class="reference" href="">Quick Start Guide</a>.  <a class="reference" href="">Zope Guide</a> is a community book
project in progress.  Zope 3 is built on zope component architecture.  Zope
component architecture introduce two powerful concepts, adapters and utilities.
For advanced usage, you will be required to learn <a class="reference" href="">ZODB</a> also.  Zope 3 has a
<a class="reference" href="">users mailing list</a>, you can ask questions there.  Also read <a class="reference" href="">FAQ</a> before
asking questions.</p>
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<h1><a id="contribute" name="contribute">Contribute</a></h1>
<p>Please see the Zope 3 <a class="reference" href="">development wiki</a> to see more about development.  The
main tools used for Zope 3 development are <a class="reference" href="">subversion</a>, <a class="reference" href="">mailing list</a>, <a class="reference" href="">wiki</a>,
<a class="reference" href="">issue collector</a> and <a class="reference" href="">irc</a> .</p>