On 11 December 2001, about 20 people gathered in #zweb to talk about the ZOST project, and about ZopeOrgReorg?.
It was fairly disorganized, and it certainly gave me a better feel of how to conduct irc meetings in future (smaller groups, and more email discussion and preparation prior to the meet).
However, a lot of useful ideas were aired, and as a first meeting, I think it was a success...
- Goals of Groups
- Aims of site reorg
- Talk about Process
- Maybe look at roles
Goals of Groups
- Enable new site responsibility to be shared with the community
- Provide a useful site
- Help developers find the info they need quickly
- Provide tools and info that the community needs
- Demonstrate capability of Zope on a large scale
- Distribute the work of designing and maintaining the site across community
Aims of ZopeOrgReorg?
- Provide orientation for newbies
- Encourage Developers
- Give people solutions
- Enable people with different levels of commitment to contribute to Zope
- Help developers find the information they need
- Encourage drive-by contribution
- Maintain clear, navigable organisation
- What is a newbie?
- never heard of zope
- heard something about zope
- knows HTML but not python
- knows ZPT / DTML but not python / products
- python programmer who doesn't konw zope
- competent web programmer who doesn't know python or zope
- those that can help themselves vs. those that need help
- How to measure its success?
- Active user accounts
- Encourage feedback: did search answer your question?
- "Focus groups"
- Learn from XP, although it's probably inappropriate for highly distributed effort
- Not about how project works, but how project's goals are fulfilled
- Must set standards of commitment and success
- Use the collector at
- Seb to draw up Requirements document. Will represent
vision as well as practical requests - e.g. to include i18n - Maxm offered to take responsibility for functional spec